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Results of HKDSE 2023


We are delighted to share that our Form 6 students have continued to excel and obtained outstanding results in the HKDSE Examination after the normal resumption of COVID-19. Their achievements are definitely the recognition of their perseverance, the dedication of their teachers, and the support of their parents.


Our achievement highlights are as follows:

Best students:

  • 6D Cheung Tsz Kin (SIX 5**, TWO 5*) 榜眼 (1 out of 17 in HK)
  • 6D Chan Jason (FIVE 5**, ONE 5*, ONE 5) 探花 (1 out of 35 in HK)
  • 6D Lau Kin Sun Eason (THREE 5**, FOUR 5*, ONE 4)
  • 6E Lee Pak Yin Adrian (THREE 5**, FIVE 5*)
  • 6F Lam Hei Shun (FOUR 5**, THREE 5*, ONE 5)


Please join us in congratulating the graduates and we wish them every great success in their future endeavours.


Media Coverage

無綫新聞: 【DSE放榜】約 42 %考生考獲入大學最低要求 聯招結果下月 9 日公布 (2023.07.19) (Chinese Only) 

無綫新聞:【DSE放榜】四名「狀元」有三人打算讀醫科 有考生稱如釋重負  (2023.07.19) (Chinese Only) 

HK01: DSE放榜|英華榜眼屬早產嬰 成醫生常客 激發立志做醫生 (2023.07.19) (Chinese Only) 

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